Thursday 14 January 2016

What is Mohenjo-daro ( मोहन जोदड़ो) ?

         Mohenjo-Daro (मोहन जोदड़ो/ 'मोयें जो दड़ो')


Basically "Mohenjo-Daro " means  Mountain of the dead / मुर्दों का टीला  in  "Sindhi"  language .

 मोहन जोदड़ो शब्द का सही उच्चारण है 'मोयें जो दड़ो' ।

 English pronunciation:-Moenjo-daro

Mohenjo Daro is an upcoming epic adventure-romance film directed by Ashutosh Gowariker and produced by Ashutosh Gowariker Productions and Disney India.

Mohenjo-daro was discovered in 1922 by R. D. Banerji, an officer of the Archaeological 

Survey of India, two years after major excavations had begun at Harappa.

 Many publications still state that Mohenjo-daro is located in India (presumably referring to 

ancient India), but since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the site has been under the 

protection of the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Pakistan.

 Mohenjo-daro is located in Larkana District on the right bank

 of the Indus River in Sindh.

The City of Mohenjo-Daro

In its time, Mohenjo-Daro was a model of city planning. Straight, wide streets, some as wide as 30 feet (about 9 m), crisscrossed the city These streets were carefully laid out to form rectangular blocks for houses and other buildings.

Even the smallest city houses had separate rooms inside for cooking, sleeping, and bathing. Some even had a separate room for a well. Almost every house in  " Mohenjo-Daro" had its own bathroom, some with polished brick floors. Family members showered by pouring fresh water over themselves with jugs. The runoff water flowed through brick pipes into a city drain system running along the main streets.

Photo: Ruins of Mohenjo Daro

The Great Bath

This is one of the most amazing things about the city—the Great Bath is the name given to a 8 feet deep, 23 feet wide and 39 feet long bathing pool built with waterproof bricks! That, after a pool bath, you take a proper bath is necessary was perfectly known to our ancestors; and, it was with this vision that they had created numerous small changing rooms surrounding the great bath, with an attached bathroom to each room!


Well, we all love to wear beaded jewelry made of fascinating precious stones in myriad colors, don’t we? But, you would be surprised to know that our ancestors too thought alike! Historians and archeologists have excavated beautiful silver pieces adorned with colorful stones like agate, red carnelian, emerald and lapis lazuli among others. They used to wear not only earrings, finger rings, necklaces, bracelets, but also other body decorations too!

The main profession of the people of indus valleycivilization were 
trading and farming. Besides rice,wheat they also produced 
cotton,dates in large quantity.

Mohenjo-daro was built in the 26th century BCE
 It was one of the largest cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization,

bronze statuette dubbed the "Dancing Girl", 10.5 centimetres (4.1 in) high , and some 4,500 years old, was found in 'HR area' of Mohenjo-daro in 1926
John Marshall, another archeologist at Mohenjo-daro, described the figure as "a young girl, her hand on her hip in a half-impudent posture, and legs slightly forward as she beats time to the music with her legs and feet.

In 1927, a seated male soapstone figure was found in a building with unusually ornamental brickwork and a wall-niche. 
The Pashupati Seal is the name of a steatite seal discovered at the Mohenjo-daro archaeological site,The figure has been interpreted by some scholars as a yogi, and by others as a three-headed "proto-Shiva" as "Lord of Animals".

अतः मोहन जोदड़ो  का  नाम भ्रम  के कारण  ऐसा लिया  गया  है . दरअसल यह  सिन्धी शब्द  मोयें जो-दड़ो  है .

Some Major Excavations are:-

SitesExcavated By
HarappaR B Dayaram Sahni (1921)
Mohenjo DaroR D Banerjee (1922)
LothalS R Roa
BanwaliR S Bisht


  1. amazing keep writing help us to connecting with our history

  2. great and resource ful data , thanks for sharing it

  3. hello, amazing resource full data, t6hanks for this

  4. amazing ,yes very very useful..facts thankx , i will definately work on it
